
redadder515's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 3,967 (From 630 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 69,845 Points

Obduction XP

Medals Earned: 1/6 (10/75 points)

La muerte 10 Points

Die in 3 different ways in one gameplay

Crusader 10 Points

Pass 100 levels

Lower 10 Points

Gain 10000 points

On the edge 10 Points

Step on 100 bomb plataforms in one gameplay

Sweetest 10 Points

Take 200 candies in one gameplay

The End? 25 Points

Complete the game in easy mode


Medals Earned: 3/6 (200/360 points)

K. 50 Points

Think of this medal when you press that K button.

WAR HERO 50 Points

Prisoner of war turned hero.

THE PIANIST 100 Points

You wield that keyboard like a pianist.


10000 clicks.


Now THAT'S what I call dedication

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 4/11 (20/55 points)

Color Purge 5 Points

Mix colours to get Color Purge

Color Remix 5 Points

Mix colours to get Color Remix

Cross Wave 5 Points

Mix colours to get Cross Wave

Explosion 5 Points

Mix colours to get Explosion

Cross Wipe 5 Points

Mix colours to get Cross Wipe

Mine Drop 5 Points

Mix colours to get Mine Drop

Mine Swarm 5 Points

Mix colours to get Mine Swarm

Pillar Wipe 5 Points

Mix colours to get Pillar Wipe

Row Wipe 5 Points

Mix colours to get Row Wipe

Shell Eraser 5 Points

Mix colours to get Shell Eraser

Whirlpool 5 Points

Mix colours to get Whirlpool

One Button Bob

Medals Earned: 8/8 (315/315 points)

First Kill 5 Points

Boomerang the bat on the first screen.

Stage 1 10 Points

Complete the easy round.

Bronze 25 Points

Finish with under 400 clicks.

Stage 2 25 Points

Complete the medium round.

Buttkicker 50 Points

Kill the boss.

Silver 50 Points

Finish with under 300 clicks.

Stage 3 50 Points

Complete the hard round.

Gold 100 Points

Finish with under 200 clicks.

OONi Battle Protoversion2

Medals Earned: 4/6 (25/55 points)

Destroy them with Lasers 5 Points

Use a Special Attack correctly.

Mercenary 5 Points

Collect 150 coins.

Sort of Duelist 5 Points

Defeat an opponent.

Cleanse the Land 10 Points

Defeat Goadie in round 10

Survival Kit 5 Points

Purchase an item.

War Preparations 25 Points

Get at least 2 characters to level 10.

Oppa Gangnam Run

Medals Earned: 3/10 (115/400 points)

100m 5 Points

reach the first 100m distance

500m 10 Points

reach the first 500m distance

streak master 100 Points

perform 30 streaks in succession

1km 10 Points

reach 1000m distance

2500m 25 Points

reach 2500m distance

triple dash 25 Points

activate gangnam dash 3 times

where are you? 25 Points

leave over slender out of the screen for 3 minutes

5km 50 Points

reach 5000m distance

unlucky days 50 Points

tripping over obstacles 13 times

boulder bash 100 Points

hit 10 obstacles in gangnam dash mode

Orchestrated Death II

Medals Earned: 15/17 (425/500 points)

All Deaths Complete 25 Points

Kill the victims in all 9 different ways.

Destroyer 25 Points

Kill all your victims with the Manipulate card.

Don't taze me Bro! 25 Points

Kill the criminal with the Manipulate card.

Fun with Molotovs 25 Points

Kill the couple with the Manipulate card.

Holy Disintegration 25 Points

Kill the criminal with the Possession card.

Human Bomb 25 Points

Kill the couple with the Possession card.

Intruder 25 Points

Kill the lumberjack with the Possession card.

Man-fillet 25 Points

Kill the lumberjack with the Manipulate Card.

Megapede Mutilation 25 Points

Kill the lumberjack with the Summon card.

Serpent Swallow 25 Points

Kill the couple with the Summon card.

Summoner 25 Points

Kill all your victims with the Summon card.

Wrath of the Kraken 25 Points

Kill the criminal with the Summon card.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Puppeteer 25 Points

Kill all your victims with the Possession card.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 1/23 (5/500 points)

First Blood 5 Points

Killed the first Alien in Story mode

Go Jameson! 5 Points

Unlock a mag-lock

Got it! 5 Points

Collect mfm card

Hax0r 5 Points

Hack a terminal

Run! 5 Points

Trigger the explosives

Suck it 5 Points

Complete a wave in Swarm mode

Armed to the teeth 10 Points

Buy your first weapon

Bug hunter 10 Points

Killed your first boss

Hax0r II 10 Points

Hack gun turrets

One down 10 Points

Completed first story level

Power up 10 Points

Buy a weapon upgrade

Pushing On 10 Points

Completed second story level

Afraid of the dark 25 Points

Completed third story level

Clock beaten 25 Points

Completed sixth story level

Game, match and... 25 Points

Complete a set in Swarm mode

Goal! 25 Points

Find the 2nd Easter Egg

Job done 25 Points

Completed seventh story level

Lulz 25 Points

Completed fifth story level

Snow ? 25 Points

Completed forth story level

Spanked it 25 Points

Complete a round in Swarm mode

El presidente 100 Points

Rank 50

The daddy 100 Points

Complete all the challenges

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 3/6 (45/245 points)

Keep the Doctor Away 10 Points

Eat an apple

Time Waster 25 Points

Play for 10 minutes

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Ghost Buster 50 Points

Eat 4 Ghosts with 1 Pellet

Impossible 50 Points

Reach level 21

Pac Master 100 Points

Score 15000 points

Paper Warfare

Medals Earned: 11/11 (395/395 points)

Airman 10 Points

Finished Level 2

Airman Basic 10 Points

Finished Level 1

Airman First Class 25 Points

Finished level 3 and Defeated Boss 1.

Master Sergeant 25 Points

Finished Level 7

Senior Airman 25 Points

Finished Level 4

Staff Sergeant 25 Points

Finished Level 5

Technical Sergeant 25 Points

Finished Level 6 and Defeated Boss 2.

Captain 50 Points

Finished Level 10 and Defeated Boss 3.

Chief Master Sergeant 50 Points

Finished Level 9

Senior Master Sergeant 50 Points

Finished Level 8

Major 100 Points

Completed the game.