
redadder515's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 3,967 (From 630 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 69,845 Points

Apple Cannon

Medals Earned: 5/5 (190/190 points)

One Apple 5 Points

Complete 6 levels

Two Apples 10 Points

Complete 12 levels

Three Apples 25 Points

Complete 18 Levels

Four Apples 50 Points

Complete 24 levels

Five Apples 100 Points

Complete 30 levels

Apples in the Tree

Medals Earned: 10/10 (330/330 points)

Children of the Grave 5 Points

Reach the graveyard

Coward 5 Points

Just leave

Dreamer 10 Points

You dream your life away

Skull Beneath the Skin 10 Points

Wear the Vic Rattlehead mask

Mrs Nice Girl 25 Points

You are such a sweet sweet thing

When You're Evil 25 Points

Your tears are all the pay I'll ever need

Goodnight Demon Slayer 50 Points

Slay 20 demon bastards

Smashing Pumpkins 50 Points

Just smash EVERY single pumpkin

Tornado of Souls 50 Points

Escape the Tornado of Souls

Fan Number 1 100 Points

Get an autograph from Ozzy


Medals Earned: 13/14 (260/360 points)

Aversion to death 5 Points

Complete an easy level without dying

Dog person 5 Points

Stomp a cat

Obey gravity, it's the law 5 Points

Attempt to double jump

REALLY a dog person 5 Points

Stomp a cat while fat

Brutal takedown 10 Points

Mid-air axe death

Like a chubby vampire 10 Points

Death by spikes when fat

Skilled at not dying 10 Points

Complete a hard level without dying

Slow and steady 10 Points

Get to the flag when fat

Jump, magic jump 25 Points

Find and use the golden bounce pad

Untouchable 25 Points

Complete a hard level without taking damage

Curious 50 Points

Find a secret area

Godslayer 50 Points

Defeat the cat god

Royal rainbow 50 Points

Vomit on the princess

Collector 100 Points

Find all 3 secret areas

Arkandian Crusade

Medals Earned: 4/6 (25/85 points)

Arkandian Celebrity 5 Points

Reach a total fame of over 1000

Dungeon Delver 5 Points

Fully clear a dungeon.

Suit Up! 5 Points

Have over 50 Protection

Richie Rich 10 Points

Have over 10,000gp at one time.

Ascended Being 10 Points

Complete the Ascended campaign

It's no Mystery 50 Points

Reach the bottom of the mystery dungeon

Arm of Revenge

Medals Earned: 5/13 (60/240 points)

Fight Expert 5 Points

Got rank S in any stage

1-Star combo 10 Points

50 combos

Basic Revenger 10 Points

Kill 500 enemies in total

Defense Expert 10 Points

10 times Just Defense in total

Skill King 25 Points

learned all skills

God of Fight 10 Points

Got rank SSS in any stage

Steel Assassin 10 Points

Beat the game at easy mode

Ultimate Energy 10 Points

Skill point upgraded to the max

Big Tin 25 Points

Energy storage upgraded to the max

Steel Punisher 25 Points

Beat the game at hard mode

Steel Striker 25 Points

Beat the game at normal mode

Very Strong 25 Points

Health upgraded to the max

Final Warrior 50 Points

All parts upgraded

Armed Prophet

Medals Earned: 17/17 (480/480 points)

Alien Juice 10 Points

Get killed by an alien.

Robot Fuel 10 Points

Get killed by a robot.

Zombie Meat 10 Points

Get killed by a zombie.

Alcoholic 25 Points

Play through a stage consuming nothing but beer.

Anorexic 25 Points

Play through a stage without eating or drinking.

Armed Prophet 25 Points

Unlock all weapons.

Chairman 25 Points

Get the chair all the way to ZOMG.

Classic Hero 25 Points

Play through every stage.

Hand it Over 25 Points

Kill Zomboss.

Kill Smiley 25 Points

Kill Smileborg

Skull 25 Points

Get the skull all the way to Zomboss.

The Freeman 25 Points

Play through every stage in one go using the crowbar.

ZOMG!!!1 25 Points


Handy Man 50 Points

Kill Zomboss with his own arm.

Illegal Alien 50 Points

Kill ZOMG with the Alienator.

Smiley Hater 50 Points

Kill Smileborg with the Cyber Blade T47.

Testosterowned 50 Points

Play through a stage on real man difficulty.

Armor Mayhem

Medals Earned: 30/30 (270/270 points)

Acupuncture 5 Points

Unlock the Dart Gun

Amateur killer 5 Points

Kill 100 Soldiers

Apprentice Killer 5 Points

Kill 30 Soldiers

Death from the sky 5 Points

Score a double kill with the Ion Cannon equipped

Delivery 5 Points

Capture 15 flags

First Blood 5 Points

Kill 1 Soldier

Give it back 5 Points

Kill 5 soldiers holding a flag

Gold Digger 5 Points

Earn 1000$

Kaboom 5 Points

Unlock the Rocket Launcher

Master Blaster 5 Points

Unlock the Plasma Gun

Ninja 5 Points

Catch a flag in the air

Once upon a time 5 Points

Complete the first mission

Ouch 5 Points

Get killed by the map

Piggy Bank 5 Points

Earn 100$

Rocket Rain 5 Points

Unlock the Automatic Rocket Launcher

Seek and Destroy 5 Points

Score a double kill with the Auto. Rocket Launcher equipped

Super Virus 5 Points

Win a mission in Overdrive mode

Third time is the best 5 Points

Score a Triple Kill

What time is it? 5 Points

Unlock the Slow Bubble Gun

Will you ever learn? 5 Points

Get killed by the map 10 times

All your base are belong to us 10 Points

Control all the control points in a mission at once

Expert killer 10 Points

Kill 200 Soldiers

Ion Blaster 10 Points

Unlock the Ion Cannon

Keep going 10 Points

Complete 50% of the missions

Mad Dough 10 Points

Earn 3000$

Suit up! 10 Points

Unlock all the armor styles

Weapon Master 10 Points

Unlock all the weapons

Complete 25 Points

Complete all the missions

Master killer 25 Points

Kill 500 Soldiers

Godly killer 50 Points

Kill 1000 Soldiers

Armored Ashura

Medals Earned: 2/5 (15/190 points)

Henshin 5 Points

Transform to Ashura mode!

Comboist 10 Points

Perform a 45 combo.

Coming Home 25 Points

End the game.

Greedy Ashura 50 Points

Score more than 200K

Ashura Master 100 Points

End the game without dying in expert difficulty.


Medals Earned: 4/11 (50/235 points)

Strong 5 Points

Achieve level 15

Stronger 10 Points

Achieve level 30

Killer 10 Points

Defeat 100 enemies

Murderous 25 Points

Defeat 300 enemies

Strongest 25 Points

Achieve level 50

Lifelong 25 Points

Collect all 10 heart orbs

Blur 25 Points

Collect all 10 speed orbs

Jumper 25 Points

Collect all 10 jump orbs

Key Stone 10 Points

Collect all the keys

Fragmented 25 Points

Collect all 10 mysterious fragments

Golden 50 Points

Acquire all 21 achievements.

Asslevania: SOTB

Medals Earned: 10/30 (55/500 points)

Medal #1 5 Points

Welcome to Asslevania!

Medal #6 5 Points

Don't skip the intro.

Medal #7 5 Points

Follow me at NEWGROUNDS!

Medal #8 5 Points

Check out NEWGROUNDS.com!

Medal _13 5 Points

What a pile of buffalo diarrhea!

Medal _18 5 Points

Welcome back!

Medal/23 5 Points

Check out Sexual-Lobster's page.

Medal/24 5 Points

Check out RicePirate's page.

Medal/25 5 Points

Check out JohnnyUtah's page.

Medal/20 10 Points

Get a little head.

Medal #2 5 Points

Reach level 2.

Medal #9 5 Points

Follow me on Twitter, so I don't have to shut up!

Medal _19 5 Points


Medal/22 5 Points

Watch the whole ending.

Medalzzz 5 Points

Don't skip the meeting with Johnny and Dracula.

Medal #3 10 Points

Reach level 3

Medal #4 10 Points

Reach level 4.

Medal _14 10 Points

Find Alucard.

Medal _15 10 Points

It takes a lick'n...

Medal _16 10 Points

...and keeps on whip'n.

Medal/21 10 Points

Eat a pork chop!

Medal/27 10 Points


Medal _10 25 Points

Find the 1st hidden song.

Medal _11 25 Points

Thats where I left that!

Medal _12 25 Points

Never alone...

Medal _17 25 Points

Make the haunted hallway more creepy.

Medal/26 25 Points

Beat Time Trial in less than 3 mins.

Medal/29 25 Points

Beat Dracula!

Medal #5 100 Points

Reach level 5.

Medal/28 100 Points